for nerds

Some odds and ends. Feedback is always welcome! Enjoy!


Max/MSP Generative Sound Design

A patch that pulls from a library of sound design files and loads them into “objects” that can be moved in space.


Breezeblow Breakdown

A series of short videos going over the details of my process in writing Breezeblow.

Stream Breezeblow here!


Every Westworld Scoring Competition Submission at the Same Time

Although I didn’t participate in this competition, I was deathly curious what all of the entries would sound like played together at once? Would there be general sonic shapes you could discern? After phase aligning the entries (all of which have the sound design baked in) I reversed the phase of the sound design and added it back in to reduce its relative volume compared to the music as much as possible. This was about as good as I could get it, especially since the music collage suffers in amplitude due to the massive amounts of phase cancellation that naturally occur with combined audio. There are about 320 entries represented in this video, which is all that I could find at the time of creation.

v1.0 - 3/4/2019

v1.0 - 3/4/2019


A basic granular synthesizer built in Max/MSP. Take any audio file and chop it to smithereens, then playing back the little grains you’ve created. The textural possibilities are endless.

Click on the photo for a link to the downloadable Google Drive folder which contains a standalone app version of the granulator (MacOS), and two Max patches (one is an editable version of the app, the other is the granulator as a sub-patcher).